PBS: Governor Newsom announces several California cities are now under a coronavirus quarantine lockdown. On March 13, Twiiter user tweeted 'Holy fuck, that’s almost all of California 😭😭 Just keeps getting worse. Follow the coronavirus outbreak, the image circulated Twitter again. On December 6th, 2019, Redditor That-Is-Fricking-Big posted the image to r/GayPornActors asking 'Who is This?' which garnered 32 points (81% upvoted) and several comments answering the question with profile pages for a porn actor by the name of 'Wood.' On January 12th, 2020 another Redditor referred to the man in the picture as Barry in a post to r/awfuleverything. On February 5th, 2019, iFunny user Captain_clu1ch posted an image of the man with the caption, 'You Got Some Fucked Up Friends if you Know Who This is' (shown below, left). On January 19th, 2018, the image was posted to /x/ on 4chan with the text 'Barry' (shown below). Check to see if your school is closed' and included a link to the image. On February 1st, 2015, Redditor misterflyy commented on an r/teenagers post with 'All _ County schools have been advised to close for January the 28th, 2015 due to inclement weather possibilities.